Model Ordinance: Utility-Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems

Guidance for regulators developing rules for utility-scale wind development

This document provides guidance to local governments considering developing an ordinance or rules related to the development of utility-scale wind energy conversion systems that are permitted as a conditional use by the local government鈥檚 zoning code. The recommendations and considerations included in this framework draw from a variety of sources, including guidance established by national energy laboratories and existing state laws and local regulations.

This document informs the development of individual ordinances or state regulations to guide the development of utility-scale wind energy conversion facilities and is intended to help local governments strike an appropriate balance between the need to develop clean, renewable energy resources and the need to protect the public health, safety and welfare within host communities.

It is intended to be advisory, and users should not rely upon it as legal advice. It may not be appropriate to adopt this Model Ordinance precisely as it is written. Local government officials are urged to seek legal advice from their attorneys before enacting a utility-scale wind energy conversion system ordinance. Local governments must consider how the language in this Model Ordinance may or should be modified to suit local conditions, comprehensive plans, existing land use and zoning provisions.